Well, it doesn't look like I'm going to get around to making any new animations for at least a few months because I actually have to apply to universities now and write essays for that. This requires more attention than usual essays because I only get to write one per place (mostly) and this'll affect the next few years of my life. So, making a showreel now is sort of my way of acknowledging to myself that this is it for 2013. However, expect new stuff after university applications are done, since I'll have more free time.
Other news: I redid my website again. This is primarily to make it easier for me to nicely advertise the more programming-related things I've made, since that seems to be the path I'm setting myself up for. Also, the bright yellows from the old version of the site were getting a liiiittle old (but never too old. Highlighter colour will always be hip. Kids these days say "hip", right?)
An update on the HTML/CSS/Javascript Newgrounds media player I made last week: The source is now available and (partially) documented on GitHub, if you feel like taking a look or extending it at all.
So hopefully I won't be gone for six months like I was after last year's NATA. But also if I have to disappear for a bit to get things done, hopefully it'll be understandable.
Amazing showreel and truly awesome website :)
Nice work buddy!