If you're in the Toronto area, consider coming this Saturday to Creative Code Toronto! It's a monthly-ish meetup I run for people who make art with code. We have a very liberal definition of both art and code, and also we have free pizza.
Sometimes we have an open mic show-and-tell of cool stuff people are working on, but this time we have some talks! Here's what you're going to be seeing:
Jordanne Chan is a creative technologist, generative artist and STEAM educator who specializes in guiding both children and adults in workshops across Toronto's maker communities. Embracing the Geocities spirit, she passionately combines disciplines to ignite interest in creative coding, digital fabrication, and more.
Varun Vachhar is a DX Engineer at Chromatic and a contributor to Storybook. He specialize in component-driven development, design systems and generative art.
This one is me! Outside of Newgrounds I'm a graphics developer at Butter, a creative-code-powered video and motion graphics editor, and a developer for WebGL mode in p5.js.
If you're at all interested in making visuals with code, consider coming to the event! We've got a meetup here: https://www.meetup.com/creative-code-toronto/events/295383685/?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=share-btn_savedevents_share_modal&utm_source=link
aren't you the guy who made dr mario with lyrics?